Friendship Craze presents interactive books!
A.N.T. Annoying Nonsense Thoughts: A Guide to Positive Thinking
Learn the power of positive thinking!
Get rid of annoying, nonsense thoughts that cause people to be miserable.
Get rid of annoying, nonsense thoughts that cause people to be miserable.
Charlie never has a good day. His sister ate all of the Magic
Treasures-therefore he has nothing to eat.
His teacher wants him to learn dumb fractions. Charlie will never understand fractions. All the kids are laughing. They must be
laughing at Charlie. Life is
miserable. He finds a dandelion and
makes a wish because his life stinks. A strange surfer type ‘Troll’ magically
appears. “Dude, I can make your life
way better. All you need to do is turn
your nasty ANTS into amazing HAWKS. You
have ANTS crawling out of your thoughts all day long. They are just invisible to you.” Charlie doesn’t get it, so Troll rewinds his
“Eww! Gross. There is a big ANT on me!” shrieks Charlie, “Get it off!” The strange troll tells Charlie, that he’s the only one who can get rid of the ANTs (Annoying, Nonsense Thoughts) by learning how to change his thoughts into HAWKS (Happy, Awesome, Wonderful Knowledge). It takes lots of practice. But then…
He does it! He thanks the odd little troll for the magic wish. The troll laughs. He isn’t magic. The magic is in the brain. Join Charlie as he learns to change his life, by changing his thoughts. You may find that you can change your life too.
“Eww! Gross. There is a big ANT on me!” shrieks Charlie, “Get it off!” The strange troll tells Charlie, that he’s the only one who can get rid of the ANTs (Annoying, Nonsense Thoughts) by learning how to change his thoughts into HAWKS (Happy, Awesome, Wonderful Knowledge). It takes lots of practice. But then…
He does it! He thanks the odd little troll for the magic wish. The troll laughs. He isn’t magic. The magic is in the brain. Join Charlie as he learns to change his life, by changing his thoughts. You may find that you can change your life too.

Order your copy through today!!!! To order click on the title for the link, A.N.T. Annoying Nonsense Thoughts: A Guide to Positive Thinking
P.E.S.T. Personal and Emotional Space and Taking Turns![]()
Samantha is on the lookout for a friend. Not just any friend,
a best friend. She wants a best friend to show her awesome dance moves to, and
be a member of her Unicorn Club. So far she is the only member. Samantha has
all sorts of things planned for her best friend. Now to find her. Why won't
anyone join Samantha's Unicorn club or watch her dance? Samantha is like many
kids. She tries too hard. This book teaches children about personal space and
appropriate ways to make friends. While reading Samantha's story, children and
their adult mentors, will enjoy doing the activities along with Samantha to
learn important lessons about personal space.